My Story

My Story

I have always been passionate about spreading positive energy and love and strongly believe in the power of intention, visualization, and spirit. I chose the name, Soul Sparkler, because my greatest intention is to help your soul sparkle through the creation of my jewelry and apparel. By wearing soul sparkly messages, you can spread positive ideas and energy to everyone around you. I personally make all Soul Sparkler merchandise and infuse my energy into each piece with the hope that you experience inspiration, life balance, intention, gratitude, and love.

In addition to creating hand-made pieces, I’m passionate about speaking and presenting interactive educational programs in communities throughout the US, inspiring communities with Soul Sparkler messages. I am a Jewish community leader and educator with experience in Jewish youth programming, camping, and teaching. I’ve served as a consultant for Jewish organizations throughout the US helping to develop powerful and effective strategies for creating exciting youth engagement experiences in Jewish settings. I’m passionate about creating Jewish educational curricula and am so proud and honored to be the director of the educational programming and recruitment for the Songleader Boot Camp National Conference leadership training immersion program. My educational background is in social work, Hebrew and Jewish studies. I also have a masters degree in social work from Washington University.

I’m married to Rick Recht and have two soul sparkly boys, Kobi and Tal. We live in St. Louis, MO and spend our summers at Camp Ramah in Ojai, CA. Every day, I walk with our angel dog, Happie Ruach Recht, and feel beyond blessed.